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  1. TriggerFan

    All Things CNC!

    I started off with a Next Wave Shark HD, sold it and got an AVID PRO4848 4' x 4' for some serious projects. I used vCarve Pro. We spent a lot more time using the laser though. (AEON Nova 14 / 130 watt laser) It's all gone now though.
  2. TriggerFan

    Ich’s the word

    I have been extremely busy! I will give you a call and catch-up.
  3. TriggerFan

    Ich’s the word

    Lesson learned.... always QT everything that goes into your tank (including invertebrates). Some say I went "overkill" with my QT process, but I can gladly report that after I loss some fish, I always QTd, feed food with Selcon + Vitachem, used a UV and never lost a single fish since then. :)...
  4. TriggerFan


    Ross. Stop by and I’ll give these two for free.
  5. TriggerFan

    Which one is StarFire?

    You won’t be able to see much difference with just regular light. It’s when you have other patters of light when you can see the differences in shadows and highlights of colors. Most people don’t care, but I certainly prefer looking at corals and fish through Starfire than an Aqueon glass! 😂
  6. TriggerFan

    Which one is StarFire?

    I would say the bottom one, however you will need more light to properly tell.
  7. TriggerFan


    Uuffff took me a while to convince him why this RODI setup is worth the $1,500! Told you this is a steal! 😈
  8. TriggerFan


    2 time bud. Stop exercising behind the keyboard and stop by my place. :p It's waiting for you and you know you WANT it! (And obviously need it!) LOL Teaser:
  9. TriggerFan

    First RO set up

    Stop wasting money in half-arsed gear. Stop by my place. :p
  10. TriggerFan

    First RO set up

    Ok, ok. Stop by the house and buy my Vertex 200gpd RODI! 😎
  11. TriggerFan

    First RO set up

    Amazon? Great return policy! :)
  12. TriggerFan

    First RO set up

    Ross: Your RODI doesn't have a TDS meter? If not, get the HM Triple inline meter!
  13. TriggerFan

    I need help with my torch!

    +1 What Mittens said. Bath in Chemiclean and Iodine or API Melafix and low to no flow.
  14. TriggerFan

    WXM Module discontinued by Neptune Systems!

    It's all about profit margin like any other business. they owned the market for a long time and probably though they could get away with it. Well, things can backfire, especially now that there are other minor players trying to get the customer's attention. Good luck with whatever you end up...
  15. TriggerFan

    Auto Water Change

    Yes, Cody was the mastermind behind my project. FYI - There is a 112ft run from the reservoir tank in the garage to the sump and another 112ft run back from the sump to the AC duct. I also have a single head Stenner pump (another 112 ft) that brings water from RO reservoir tank to the ATO. I run...
  16. TriggerFan

    What’s your current ATO and what will you buy next?

    Gravity and if not possible, Avast Marine.
  17. TriggerFan

    Need advice- Icecap Gyre 4k

    Yes and Correct. Plus you can play with different settings throughout the days easier with the 4ks. You need to spend even more money to control the XF350s and still not setup schedules like 4Ks or Vectras. And you have a visual LED indication if something is wrong with a pump in the controller...
  18. TriggerFan

    Need advice- Icecap Gyre 4k

    For a 48" x 24" x 24" it was. Even with the 2ks I had it at 35% and it was a bit much, so I set them to pulse. The FX350s in my larger tank are OK, but I had to set them to constant. I may need to add some more flow though.
  19. TriggerFan

    Rigid tubing - where to find it

    Ocean Life
  20. TriggerFan

    Need advice- Icecap Gyre 4k

    I have 350s and 2ks. Had the 4ks in the frag tank but replaced them with 2ks. Definitely see them both as controllers have Pros and Cons.